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Wikileaks leaks updated TPP chapter on Investment RightsWikieaks on March 2, 2015 released updated edition of the secret TPP Investment Chapter.
The chapter's front cover explains the terms of expected secrecy for all TPP negotiating text - "Declassify on: Four years from entry into force of the TPP agreement, or, if no agreement enters into force, four years from the close of the negotiations." force of the TPP agreement or, no agreement enters into force, four years from the close of the negotiations. Read the Wikileaks Press release here. Read the Investment chapter here. PDF file here. Read the Global Trade Watch analysis here. Additional resources on the various Wikileaked chapter here. Reactions in Australian press: Australia: Leaked TPP investment chapter shows risks to Australia’s health Australia: TPP: Australia pushes against ISDS in trade agreement, WikiLeaks reveals Australia: Investor claims in TPPA trade treaty threaten Australian democracy Statement in Forbes titled, "TPP Is A Mistake" This is the subject addressed in an interesting publication by the Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM) entitled, TPP – Malaysia is not for Sale. It includes a foreword by former Malaysian PrimeMinister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, architect of Malaysia’s impressive economic growth and development during his tenure, 1981 to 2003. As can be expected from Mahathir, he does not mince his words. He states that “the strongest campaigner of TPP is America … [which seeks] … to contain China and to safeguard its own economic interests [by] exploiting all resources from small but growing independent nations such as Malaysia”. He adds that “TPP is not a fair or free trade partnership, but an agreement to tie down nations with rules and regulations that would only benefit American conglomerates”. Furthermore, as Mahathir points out, the negotiations are occurring entirely in secret, thereby adding to the suspicion that it is a conspiracy. (Similar complaints on both counts can be heard in Europe in respect to TTIP.) Wikileaks leaks revised edition of IP chapterOctober 16, 2014. Wikileaks today leaked the negotiating text of the Intellectual Properties Right chapter of the TPP.
Read the Press Release from Wikileaks here. Read the IP chapter here. PDF file here. Wikileaks editorial on IP chapter and cancer treatment here. Response of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to IP text release here. Also see here. Read the Public Citizens webpage on the leaked IP chapter.here. Wikileaks leaks the TPP Chapter on the Environment
1-15-14 - Wikileaks today released a complete copy of the negotiating text of the TPP chapter on the Environment. Wikileaks statement said in part, "When compared against other TPP chapters, the Environment Chapter is noteworthy for its absence of mandated clauses or meaningful enforcement measures. The dispute settlement mechanisms it creates are cooperative instead of binding; there are no required penalties and no proposed criminal sanctions. With the exception of fisheries, trade in 'environmental' goods and the disputed inclusion of other multilateral agreements, the Chapter appears to function as a public relations exercise.
"Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' publisher, stated: 'Today's WikiLeaks release shows that the public sweetner in the TPP is just media sugar water. The fabled TPP environmental chapter turns out to be a toothless public relations exercise with no enforcement mechanism'." Read the Wikileaks Press release here. Read the TPP Environmental chapter here. Read extensive article from Global Research: WIkileaks and the Secret TPP Environmental Report WikiLeaks leaks the TPP Chapter on
Contact your US Representative and Senator.
Congressional letters oppose Fast Track Authority
In a bi-partisan effort, congressional members from both the Democratic and Republicans wrote President Obama of their opposition to Fast Track Authority to speed approval of the next round of "Free Trade" agreements through congress.
Democratic party members signed onto two letters while some Republicans also expressed their desire not to "cede our constitutional authority to the executive through an approval of" Fast Track Authority.
The DeLauro-Miller letter was signed by 151 members of the Democratic caucus and states their opposition to Fast Track Authority that excludes Congress from a meaningful role in writing trade agreements. Oregon Rep. DeFazio and Schrader both signed this letter.
A weaker letter was written by Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer with Rep. Mike Thompson. Their letter assumes that Congress will grant Obama's request for Fast Track Authority and seeks to set out the negotiating objectives to be imposed by FTA. From the letter, "We believe that TPA must reflect a trade policy that not only creates and strengthens jobs here in the U.S. and improves market access, but also promotes high-quality standards abroad that prevent a race to the bottom." Our principle objection to this approach is that it is limiting the possible points of concern to be only regarding job creation, market access and preventing a race to the bottom. But this ignores other issues. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement decreases the availability of generic drugs both here in the United States and overseas. The agreement includes relaxation of financial requirements. Financial regulations designed to separate commercial banking from speculative banking will also be subject to challenge. The agreement includes investor-state provisions allowing corporations to sue nations for perceived loss of profit due to government decisions. "Buy local" laws would be disallowed. Procurement requirements that favor local business - not allowed. Internet access for all on an equal basis will be subject to challenge. And the list goes on.
Read the DeLauro Miller Letter here.
Read the Blumenauer-Thompson letter here.
Read the Republican letter here.
Read the press release from Elizabeth Swagger and the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign here.
In a bi-partisan effort, congressional members from both the Democratic and Republicans wrote President Obama of their opposition to Fast Track Authority to speed approval of the next round of "Free Trade" agreements through congress.
Democratic party members signed onto two letters while some Republicans also expressed their desire not to "cede our constitutional authority to the executive through an approval of" Fast Track Authority.
The DeLauro-Miller letter was signed by 151 members of the Democratic caucus and states their opposition to Fast Track Authority that excludes Congress from a meaningful role in writing trade agreements. Oregon Rep. DeFazio and Schrader both signed this letter.
A weaker letter was written by Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer with Rep. Mike Thompson. Their letter assumes that Congress will grant Obama's request for Fast Track Authority and seeks to set out the negotiating objectives to be imposed by FTA. From the letter, "We believe that TPA must reflect a trade policy that not only creates and strengthens jobs here in the U.S. and improves market access, but also promotes high-quality standards abroad that prevent a race to the bottom." Our principle objection to this approach is that it is limiting the possible points of concern to be only regarding job creation, market access and preventing a race to the bottom. But this ignores other issues. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement decreases the availability of generic drugs both here in the United States and overseas. The agreement includes relaxation of financial requirements. Financial regulations designed to separate commercial banking from speculative banking will also be subject to challenge. The agreement includes investor-state provisions allowing corporations to sue nations for perceived loss of profit due to government decisions. "Buy local" laws would be disallowed. Procurement requirements that favor local business - not allowed. Internet access for all on an equal basis will be subject to challenge. And the list goes on.
Read the DeLauro Miller Letter here.
Read the Blumenauer-Thompson letter here.
Read the Republican letter here.
Read the press release from Elizabeth Swagger and the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign here.
The Trans Pacific Partnership: Implications for Access to Medicines and Public Health. World Health Organization (UNITAID) issues report on the likely effects of the Intellectual Property Rights TPP chapter will have on Medicines and Public Health Read the report here
More Information
Expose the TPP
Green Cabinet Project
Public Citizens - Eyes on Trade
Public Citizen - TPP
Sierra Club
Stop TPP
For effects on
Copyright law -
Public Knowledge
Electronic Frontier Foundation
General -
Public Citizen TPP2012
Leaked Text
While the negotiations are conducted in secret, some of the text has been leaked. Chapters on Copyright limitations, Investments, medical devices, intellectual property rights and more have been leaked. Read the leaked documents here.
Read the text of the Investment chapter here.
Read the text of the leaked chapter on the Environment here.
News stories/articles
New Zealand, Plain Packaging, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
3-28-14 - New Zealand debates plain package labeling legislation and expresses concerns about effects of TPP on their ability to enforce such a law
The TPP and the Slow-Motion Motion Corporate Coup - Lori Wallach (Yes! magazine article)
Expose the TPP
Green Cabinet Project
Public Citizens - Eyes on Trade
Public Citizen - TPP
Sierra Club
Stop TPP
For effects on
Copyright law -
Public Knowledge
Electronic Frontier Foundation
General -
Public Citizen TPP2012
Leaked Text
While the negotiations are conducted in secret, some of the text has been leaked. Chapters on Copyright limitations, Investments, medical devices, intellectual property rights and more have been leaked. Read the leaked documents here.
Read the text of the Investment chapter here.
Read the text of the leaked chapter on the Environment here.
News stories/articles
New Zealand, Plain Packaging, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
3-28-14 - New Zealand debates plain package labeling legislation and expresses concerns about effects of TPP on their ability to enforce such a law
The TPP and the Slow-Motion Motion Corporate Coup - Lori Wallach (Yes! magazine article)