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The VA gives better care. Don't privatize the VA.
Our guest Suzanne Gordon, author of "The Battle for Veterans' Healthcare, Dispatches From the Front Lines of Policy Making and Patient Care", discusses what the VA is, the effects of underfunding and rules made by Congress; who is eligible; the difference between VA health care and private health care; what happens when veterans are moved from the VA to private service providers.
Suzanne identifies the drivers to privatization of the VA, talking first about the role of the Koch Bros. and Concerned Veterans of America.
Two bills in Congress will lead to more privatization and Suzanne states that even if these bills pass, people still need to contract Congress to oppose the attack on the VA.
First broadcast in Portland - July 2018
Our guest Suzanne Gordon, author of "The Battle for Veterans' Healthcare, Dispatches From the Front Lines of Policy Making and Patient Care", discusses what the VA is, the effects of underfunding and rules made by Congress; who is eligible; the difference between VA health care and private health care; what happens when veterans are moved from the VA to private service providers.
Suzanne identifies the drivers to privatization of the VA, talking first about the role of the Koch Bros. and Concerned Veterans of America.
Two bills in Congress will lead to more privatization and Suzanne states that even if these bills pass, people still need to contract Congress to oppose the attack on the VA.
First broadcast in Portland - July 2018

Racism as a public health crisis
Leslie Gregory is President and founder of Right2Health and she joins us today to talk about how racism is a causative factor in poor health outcomes for African-Americans.. It is so important that the CDC should recognize it as such and declare it. But it refuses. How do we change the CDC opinion? Leslie feels it is time to stop asking if racism is a factor and to declare that it is so.
First broadcast in Portland - March 2020
Leslie Gregory is President and founder of Right2Health and she joins us today to talk about how racism is a causative factor in poor health outcomes for African-Americans.. It is so important that the CDC should recognize it as such and declare it. But it refuses. How do we change the CDC opinion? Leslie feels it is time to stop asking if racism is a factor and to declare that it is so.
First broadcast in Portland - March 2020

The middle class disappears while the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and richer
We talk with Juan Carlos Ordonez, Communications Director with Oregon Center for Public Policy, about the growing income and wealth gaps between the top 1 and 1/10th percent and the rest of us. As a result of policy decisions in the halls of Congress and our state legislatures, the gap has been growing for the past 40 years. The decline of unions and disinvestment are also major factors. The recent Trump tax "reform" makes it even worse.
How has this played out in Oregon? We talk about the "Grand Bargain" of 2013 and current efforts in the state legislature to undo the effects.
First broadcast in Portland - March 2020
We talk with Juan Carlos Ordonez, Communications Director with Oregon Center for Public Policy, about the growing income and wealth gaps between the top 1 and 1/10th percent and the rest of us. As a result of policy decisions in the halls of Congress and our state legislatures, the gap has been growing for the past 40 years. The decline of unions and disinvestment are also major factors. The recent Trump tax "reform" makes it even worse.
How has this played out in Oregon? We talk about the "Grand Bargain" of 2013 and current efforts in the state legislature to undo the effects.
First broadcast in Portland - March 2020

Independent/Progressive candidate challenges entrenched Democrat
Marc Koller has decided to challenge an entrenched Democrat for US Congress. Running as a Independent/Progressive Party candidate, he sees himself bringing real alternatives to the political sphere, looking toward a brand new congress. Corporations dominate the decision making in the United State; Marc calls for a constitutional amendment saying that corporations are not people and money is not speech to begin that process. Plus we need to change the make-up of the US Supreme Court. What do we do in the meantime: Elect truly independent candidates to Congress.
First broadcast in Portland:
Marc Koller has decided to challenge an entrenched Democrat for US Congress. Running as a Independent/Progressive Party candidate, he sees himself bringing real alternatives to the political sphere, looking toward a brand new congress. Corporations dominate the decision making in the United State; Marc calls for a constitutional amendment saying that corporations are not people and money is not speech to begin that process. Plus we need to change the make-up of the US Supreme Court. What do we do in the meantime: Elect truly independent candidates to Congress.
First broadcast in Portland:

Saving the net and net neutrality with municipal broadband system
What do we do when the federal agency charged with protecting the free and open Internet instead attacks it, allowing large corporations to charge more depending on who is providing the content? In Portland OR, citizens are organizing to create a public municipal broadband system. We talk with Garrett Hour, founder of, and Russell Senior, Pres. of Personal Telco Project on why Portland OR should create their own system, instead of having to rely on the private IPS mega-corporations.
First broadcast in Portland in January 2018
What do we do when the federal agency charged with protecting the free and open Internet instead attacks it, allowing large corporations to charge more depending on who is providing the content? In Portland OR, citizens are organizing to create a public municipal broadband system. We talk with Garrett Hour, founder of, and Russell Senior, Pres. of Personal Telco Project on why Portland OR should create their own system, instead of having to rely on the private IPS mega-corporations.
First broadcast in Portland in January 2018

Progressive ideas from Dana Carstensen, candidate for Metro Council District 4
Move to waste-to-energy programs instead of trucking and dumping our garbage, electrify our regional transit system; create home ownership that is democratically controlled and affordable. That is some of the new thinking being promoted by Dana Carstensen, candidate for Portland regional Metro Council He also talks about how Metro can address the affordable housing crisis through community land trusts; how we can generate 15-20% of the region's energy renewably by how we treat our garbage; how we can have better labor relations by instituting paid parental leave and turn temp workers into permanent full-time employees.
First broadcast in Portland on January XX, 2018
Move to waste-to-energy programs instead of trucking and dumping our garbage, electrify our regional transit system; create home ownership that is democratically controlled and affordable. That is some of the new thinking being promoted by Dana Carstensen, candidate for Portland regional Metro Council He also talks about how Metro can address the affordable housing crisis through community land trusts; how we can generate 15-20% of the region's energy renewably by how we treat our garbage; how we can have better labor relations by instituting paid parental leave and turn temp workers into permanent full-time employees.
First broadcast in Portland on January XX, 2018