The issue is not issues: the issue is the system!
~ Ronnie Dugger, founder, Alliance for Democracy
DAVID DELK, national co-chair, Alliance for Democracy
My official topic is militarism and democracy, What we see with this is that there is a well-developed, well financed interdependent system of military contractors, members of Congress, a free press set in propaganda mode, all se to get the United States into another war, hot and/or cold, spending the resources of the nation on what we, the people, do not want - more war and maybe even nuclear war. Read more.
Join the effort to end the political corruption in Oregon. Oregonians amended the state constitution to allow limits on political campaign contributions and expenditures. Now in
A Portland municipal bank could
* Make affordable loans to small businesses, farmers, government entities, and students * Save taxpayers up to 50% on critical infrastructure like bridges and trains and schools * Eliminate billions in bank fees and money management fees for cities and states * Support a vibrant community banking sector * Enable sustainable prosperity |
Moving forward on affordable, universal healthcare for all Oregonians
Alliance for Democracy supports universal single payer health care in Oregon and throughout the United States.
We support Healthcare for All Oregon. |
Alliance for Democracy projects
Move to amend

Move to Amend is dedicated to amending the US Constitution to eliminate corporate personhood and the court created doctrine that money = speech.
Learn about the national effort at movetoamend.org
Learn about the national effort at movetoamend.org
Defending Water for life
Defending Water for Life, Not for Profit
Grassroots Institute
Grassroots Institute is a project of the national Alliance for Democracy.
Giving Communities Tools to Strengthen Self-Governance and Control Corporate Power
The Grassroots Institute: Progressive Solutions for the Common Good is part of a burgeoning international movement to confront our deteriorating political, economic and environmental systems. It looks at the systemic problems created by the power of money, which is ruining life as we know it, and the citizen-based solutions that are creating a vibrant future.
Our initial offering is a study guide for the Grassroots Solutions and Corporate Power course we have been teaching for three years. You can use that study guide:
• To present the whole course in your community to educate and engage concerned citizens;
• As a guide for a study group on corporations and democracy;
• To educate an issue-oriented campaign on the systemic economic and political problems and solutions relevant to the central issues of the campaign;
• As a personal study guide to understand the systemic economic and political problems and solutions around our most vexing environmental and social crises.
Go to the Grassroots Institute here.
Giving Communities Tools to Strengthen Self-Governance and Control Corporate Power
The Grassroots Institute: Progressive Solutions for the Common Good is part of a burgeoning international movement to confront our deteriorating political, economic and environmental systems. It looks at the systemic problems created by the power of money, which is ruining life as we know it, and the citizen-based solutions that are creating a vibrant future.
Our initial offering is a study guide for the Grassroots Solutions and Corporate Power course we have been teaching for three years. You can use that study guide:
• To present the whole course in your community to educate and engage concerned citizens;
• As a guide for a study group on corporations and democracy;
• To educate an issue-oriented campaign on the systemic economic and political problems and solutions relevant to the central issues of the campaign;
• As a personal study guide to understand the systemic economic and political problems and solutions around our most vexing environmental and social crises.
Go to the Grassroots Institute here.
David Delk talk to Unitarian Univeralist, Portland OR and Astoria OR in May 2024
TOPic: Militiarism and Democracy
TOPic: Militiarism and Democracy
My official topic is militarism and democracy, What we see with this is that there is a well-developed, well financed interdependent system of military contractors, members of Congress, a free press set in propaganda mode, all se to get the United States into another war, hot and/or cold, spending the resources of the nation on what we, the people, do not want - more war and maybe even nuclear war. Read more.
Friends and Allies of
Alliance for Democracy
Economic Justice Action Group
Health Care for all Oregon

Working for a universal health care system serving everyone in Oregon and the nation..
Go to their website here.
Go to their website here.
Portland Jobs with Justice
Portland Jobs with Justice is a coalition of more than 100 labor organizations and community groups dedicated to protecting the rights of working people and supporting community struggles to build a more just society.
Go to their website here. |
Tax fairness Oregon
Promotes a tax code that is fair, progressive, serves the common good, and is fully enforced.Tax Fairness Oregon works to reform our tax code so that it serves the common good, not special interests.
Go to their website here.
Go to their website here.