Major reports on Municipal Banking/Public Banking
Alliance for Democracy
Justice Rising |
Municipal Banking: An Overview, Financing Socially Just and Sustainable Forms of Urban Development by the Roosevelt Institute April 2016
From the Exec Summary: “The Municipal Bank: An Overview” and the accompanying technical document lay out a broad framework for how municipalities can establish, fund, and operate publicly owned municipal banks based on principles of egalitarian, redistributive justice, worker rights, and more ecologically sound urban development. Public Banking Feasibility Study for the City of Santa Fe January 2016
From the Executive Summary: "A public banking initiative for the City of Santa Fe is feasible and has the potential to provide enhanced fiscal management, improved net interest rate margins, and a more robust local lending climate. " View the Brass Tacks Team, which advocates for a Santa Fe public bank, website here. Public Banking to Grow Our Common Wealth - Benefits For Cities and Municipalities Of a Public Bank
A FAQ description of the Benefits for Cities and Municipalites of a Public Bank by Public Banking PA (Pennsylvania) and Hub Public Banking (Washington DC) January 2015 From the cover letter: The American people in cities and communities throughout our nation need a strong local banking industry, free of the destructive practices of Wall Street Local Banks distribute the sustainable and affordable credit our local economies need. Local banks working in partnership with public banks are able to lend additional funds and, in contrast to Wall Street, their profits do not depend on reckless risk taking. The result: a more democratic and prosperous local economy in which the benefits are shared by Banking on New Mexico: A Five-Year Model Supporting a Public Bank for Santa Fe
A Debt Reduction, Budget Easing, Income Generating Strategy for the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico Dec. 2, 2015 From the Abstract: "The results demonstrate that The Bank is a sound economic resource for our community. Our research indicates that The Bank will continue to have a positive cash flow and loan growth. The City of Santa Fee will have a responsible banking partner and the community will begin to see opportunities to start and grow their businesses, or buy affordable homes." |
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