This would reestablish the separation of commercial banking from speculative banking as the "Glass Steagall" act had done following the Great Depression. Oregon Representative DeFazio is a co-sponsor.
HJR48 has been reintroduced from the last Congress. This proposed Constitutional Amendment says that corporations are not people and do not have our rights and that money is not speech and can be limited and regulated at all levels of government for both candidate and initiative elections. Oregon Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Pete DeFazio are co-sponsors.
HR 676 was reintroduced. This creates a single payer health care system in the United States. For the first time, OR Rep. Blumenauer is a co-sponsor. No other Oregon representative as of 1/29/17
This bill was introduced in the Senate by five Democrats at the same time. Se. Merkley was one of them.
Story from The Hill here. |