Video about drones
Moyers and Company
Bill Moyers speaks with Vicki Divoll and Vincent Warren on Drones and Democracy. Discussion of drones starts about 14 minutes into the video. Vicki Divoll is a former general counsel to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and former deputy legal adviser to the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center, and Vincent Warren is Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights
Populist Dialogues
The Oregon legislature passed a bill regulating drone use in Oregon by public agencies but left drone use by individuals and corporations without rules or oversight. Guest Jason Kafoury, a Portland trail lawyer and organizer with the Oregon Progressive Party, talks about the party's campaign first with the City of Portland and now the state to craft laws which would ban private drone use, create a registry of drone users (both public and private) and put in place effective controls on public agency use of drones.